


Respecting the traditional flavors while offering new creations.

There is a reason that the simple taco is so popular the world over, it is because they are so damn good. The abundance of great places while growing up in downtown Los Angeles leaves so many memories to draw from. Baja Yaro! pays respect to the authentic items with our; Carnitas, Ropa Vieja, Lengua tacos, and our homemade roasted red chili salsa, and xnipek (habanero and citrus salsa)


We also constantly exercise our creative muscles by offering new flavors and recipes using local fresh ingredients, and expanding the taco terrain by drawing from other cuisines, while still remaining true to the humble greatness of the taco.

The Baja Yaro Story.

Baja Yaro! transports you to a quirky, little cantina on the colorful beaches of Baja California. It sits on the junction where food, music, and good times meet, and the atmosphere is laid back, fun and funky.


Baja Yaro! was started over 10 years ago as a house party for friends in Tokyo suffering from Mexican food withdrawal. Homemade guacamole, tacos and burritos were served, and became a yearly event with ever increasing numbers. After outgrowing the house party, we made the leap in 2005, and the first official Baja Yaro! Taco party was held at a friends bar, and we have been growing ever since.


Baja Yaro! aims to be an entertaining party, and our three main concepts are;


Atmosphere: Laid back, fun and funky. No attitudes and trying to be cool. Funkiness of all ages all gather here to enjoy music, dancing, tacos, margaritas and each other.


Big Heart: Baja Yaro! fosters a giving, sharing vibration, not just an event to make money. We aim to support other artists, musicians, and people doing what they dream to do.


Entertainment: Musica! Musica!  You might hear anything from Surf punk, conjunto, Latin djs, 70s California Rock, Surf guitars, etc. Like a big ol’ backyard hangout.


If this sounds like your kind of party, then we would love to have you!

Baja Yaro! のストリー


バハヤロ! は、10年以上前に東京で、メキシコ料理の禁断症状に苦しむ友達のために、ホームパーティーとして催したのが始まり、すぐに毎年恒例のイベントになり、大きく飛躍し。内容は、実家のロサンゼルスのタコトラックの雰囲気、カジュアルとフレンドリー!


バハヤロ! が目指すのは楽しませるパーティーで、メインのコンセプトは3つ:



寛大な心:バハヤロ! は、寛大さや共有の意識を促進させ、単なる金儲け目的のみのイベントではない。口先だけのコンセプトにしないよう、チャリティーや関係機関に収益の数割を寄付する。




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